[解決済] Difference between Windows and Linux RX 1703 toolchain when using optimised libraries
Difference between Windows and Linux RX 1703 toolchain when using optimised libraries
Hello GNU Tools
First thanks for an efficient RX toolchain making a fast and compact executable.
I experience a difference between the 1703 RX toolchain and the previous 1701 when using optimised libraries.
In 1703 the Linux version, the linker cannot find the optimised libraries while the Windows version still can.
In both cases I link using:
…~/toolchains/gcc_4.8.4.201703_gnurx-elf/bin/rx-elf-gcc -Wl,–start-group -Drx111 -mcpu=rx100 -nofpu -mlittle-endian-data -D__RX_LITTLE_ENDIAN__=1 -std=c11 -nostartfiles -Wall -Wextra -Wl,–warn-common -DROMSTART -loptc -loptm -O3 -g -g2 … “all my objects” … -Tlinker.ld -Wl,–end-group -Wl,-Map,<map file name>.map -o <my elf file>.out
Only in the Linux version linking fails with:
/home/ubuntu/toolchains/gcc_4.8.4.201703_gnurx-elf/bin/../lib/gcc/rx-elf/ cannot find -loptc
/home/ubuntu/toolchains/gcc_4.8.4.201703_gnurx-elf/bin/../lib/gcc/rx-elf/ cannot find -loptm
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Or am I doing something wrong?
Best regards
Frank Kjul Larsen
Hello Frank,
Thank you for your patience! We appreciate the feedback you have provided. We were able to investigate the issue and resolve it.
As a consequence, we have updated the 2017q3 Linux release of the RX toolchain in order to include the optlib libraries. Please re-download the latest installer and use it for compiling, and let us know if you continue to experience any problems.
Thank you,
The GNU Tools Team