Hello support team,

I found wrong generated codes regarding GNURL78 far pointer access: missing `es:` prefix for movw ax, [hl]. More information and zip files including all files for e2 studio 2022-07 and GNURL78 are posted in the following Renesas’ Japanese user forum URLs.


uint16_t _RomSum(void)
uint32_t prom, sum_s, sum_e;
uint16_t sum = 0;

sum_s = 0;
sum_e = 0x017DFEUL;
for( prom = sum_s; prom < sum_e; prom += 2 )
sum += *(uint16_t __far *)prom;            <– HERE

return sum;


uint16_t _RomSum(void)
// FIXME: If one of -O2, -O3, -Os is used, the generated code calls `abort()` immediately.
// FIXME: In case of using the immediate value in stead of `&psum_rom`, if other than -O0, -Og is
// used, the generated code has no ES register handling. (Note: If one of -O2, -O3, -Os is used,
// the generated code calls `abort()` immediately. Therefore `other than -O0, -Og` means only -O1.)

const uint16_t __far *prom, *sum_s, *sum_e;
uint16_t sum = 0;

sum_s = 0;
//sum_e = &psum_rom; // (const uint16_t __far *)0x017DFEUL; –> No ES register handling.
sum_e = (const uint16_t __far *)0x017DFEUL;
for( prom = sum_s; prom < sum_e; prom++ )
sum += *prom;            <– HERE

return sum;
Generated code (for both cases):

movw ax, [hl]

Expected code (for both cases):

mov es, a

movw ax, es:[hl]

Renesas’ Japanese user forum URLs:



Best regards,

mcu11 回答済
    • Hello,

      Thank you for reporting the issue.

      We managed to reproduce it and can confirm that it is indeed a software bug. We raised an internal ticket for it, however the release date of the fix is uncertain at this point.

      We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

      Best regards,
      The Open Source Tools Team

    • Hello support team,

      Thank you for the reply.

      It is good to hear that the issue is planned to be fixed.

      Best regards,